How to Keep Your Christmas Tree Fresh All Season Long

A fresh and vibrant Christmas tree can be the centerpiece of your holiday decorations. Here’s how to keep your tree looking beautiful throughout the holiday season.

Choose a Fresh Tree

When selecting a real tree, look for vibrant green needles that are flexible and and will not easily shed. A fresh tree will have a strong, pleasant pine scent.

Make a Fresh Cut

Before placing your tree in its stand, cut about an inch off the bottom of the trunk. This fresh cut allows the tree to absorb water more effectively. We perform a fresh cut for every client's tree at time of delivery.

Use the Correct Stand

Choose a sturdy tree stand with a large water reservoir. The stand should be big enough to support the tree and provide stability.

Water Regularly

Check the water level daily and keep it topped up. A Christmas tree can drink up to a gallon of water a day, especially during the first week. Note, not all trees are thirsty and you cannot force a tree to drink.

Avoid Heat Sources

Place your tree away from heat sources such as fireplaces, radiators, ceiling/wall/floor heating vents and direct sunlight to prevent it from drying out.

Maintain Humidity

Consider using a humidifier in the room where the tree is located to keep the needles from drying out in a dry climate or heated home.

Remove the Tree Promptly

Once the holiday season is over, remove the tree promptly to prevent it from becoming a fire hazard. Need help? Check out our handy and convenient Goat-Powered Christmas Tree Recycling Service.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I pick a fresh Christmas tree?

Here are some tips for picking a fresh Christmas tree:

  • Give the tree a shake. If a lot of needles fall off, it's not very fresh.
  • Bounce the tree gently on the ground. The branches should bounce back up.
  • Pinch a needle between your thumb and forefinger and bend it. It should snap, not wrinkle.
  • Look at the color of the needles. They should be bright green, not dull or brownish.

How do I care for my Christmas tree?

Here are some tips for keeping your Christmas tree fresh: Cut off a fresh inch or two from the bottom of the trunk before putting the tree in water. Place the tree in a stand that holds water and keep the water level at the base of the trunk. Keep the tree away from heat sources, such as fireplaces and radiators. Add a few tablespoons of sugar or plain white corn syrup to the water to help keep the tree fresh.

How long will my Christmas tree last?

With proper care, a fresh Christmas tree can last for several weeks.

What are some safety tips for Christmas trees?

Always turn off Christmas tree lights before leaving the house or going to bed.Use new lights with wires that do not have splinters or breaks in themWater your tree regularly to keep it from drying out, which can make it more flammable.Keep your tree away from heat sources like fireplaces, radiators, and heat vents.

How are Christmas trees grown?

Christmas trees are typically grown on farms and take several years to mature. Farmers plant seedlings and care for them by pruning, shaping, and protecting them from pests and diseases.

What is the most popular Christmas tree species in the United States?

The Fraser fir is the most popular Christmas tree species in the United States, prized for its excellent needle retention and pleasant fragrance.

How Tall Of A Tree Should I Get?

In general, allow for 6” to 12” between the top of the tree and the ceiling. Don’t forget to account for the height of your tree topper! The tree stand will generally add a few inches overall.

8-Foot Ceilings = 7-Foot Tree, This is the most common tree height we sell in the Boston area, especially in older buildings. If you have standard 8-foot ceilings and want the tallest Christmas tree your room will allow, you can choose a 7-foot tree and still have a six-inch clearance for your tree stand and topper.​

9-Foot Ceilings = 8-Foot Tree, Do you live in a new Boston residential building? If so, this is likely the tree height you will want. A 8-foot Christmas tree is the perfect size for 9-foot ceilings. You can be sure the tree won’t hug the ceiling, and you’ll have plenty of space to top the tree with a topper.

10-Foot Ceilings = 9-Foot Tree,
If you have 10-foot ceilings, it’s safe to size up and choose a 9-foot tree. You’ll have one foot of space between the ceiling and the tip of your tree.

Where Should I Display My Tree?

When allotting space for your tree, consider your existing home furnishings as well as the décor you wish to add during the holidays. Determine whether you will need to rearrange furniture in order to accommodate the tree and how it will complement the overall look of the room.​

An important factor to consider is safety. Keep in mind these practical tips when selecting the location for your Christmas tree:​

Never place your tree near a source of heat. Keep it away from heating vents and exhausts. Keep tree away from your fireplace!!​

Avoid placing your tree in areas where it is exposed to harsh elements, or where there is an excessive amount of foot traffic. Avoid setting it up beside open windows, where it may obstruct a staircase, or behind a door. Placing your tree in one of these common danger zones may lead to damage or an accident.

Why Are Needles Falling From My Tree?

In the fall season, ALL conifers drop or shed a certain portion of their oldest needles. This is a normal part of the life cycle of the tree and occurs because the tree is preparing itself for winter. Prior to delivering your tree, we share most of the loose needles off, so they do not end up on your floor.